We have an unprecedented opportunity to boost the economy and lift millions of families out of poverty.

We need to protect, expand, and secure the Child Tax Credit — permanently.

The clock is ticking to extend the expanded Child Tax Credit


The expanded Child Tax Credit has reduced child poverty, helped millions of families make ends meet, and strengthened small businesses and local economies.

If Congress doesn’t extend the expanded Child Tax Credit before Christmas, 35 million families will face uncertainty going into the holidays and could lose this critical income support.

Fighting Chance for Families is a campaign fighting for the expanded Child Tax Credit to be made permanent.

We have an unprecedented opportunity to boost the economy and lift millions of families out of poverty.

We need to protect, expand, and secure the Child Tax Credit — permanently.

A transformative investment

The Child Tax Credit expansion signed by President Biden in March is one of the most transformative economic investments in decades — helping millions of families make ends meet, significantly reducing child poverty, and helping to build an economy that works for everyone, not just the wealthiest few. But unless we take action, it will expire by the end of the year.

We can’t allow this economic lifeline to be stripped away from millions of families in need. By making the expanded Child Tax Credit permanent, we can grow the economy, help women return to the workforce, and lift millions of children — especially children of color — out of poverty.

Why we need to make the expanded Child Tax Credit permanent

Lift millions of families out of poverty.

The expanded Child Tax Credit, along with other provisions of the American Rescue Plan, are projected to cut child poverty in half — but this impact will be short-lived unless we make these benefits permanent.

Reduce inequality.

The expanded Child Tax Credit will greatly reduce the racial income gap. Of the children that the expansion will lift above the poverty line, 29% are Black and 41% are Latino.

Help women return to the workforce.

Two million women were forced from the workforce during the pandemic. The expanded Child Tax Credit will help millions of women afford childcare and return to work.

Enact what voters want.

Polling from Data for Progress shows that voters support the expanded Child Tax Credit by a 22-point margin — including a clear majority of Independents and more than one-third of Republicans.

Support making the Child Tax Credit permanent.

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